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Academy Introduction
Academy set up about 20 Bachelor and Specialist programmes, which includes Keyboard, Vocal Music, Dance, Musical Theory, Musical Education and Ethnic Musical Instruments, Western Orchestral, Modern Pop Music, Music production, etc. There are a variety of Experimental Theater Orchestra, National Orchestra, Dance Troupe, Singing Group and other art entities, the unique Qiang and Tibetan Research Institute and Pop Music Research Center, which is an educational research practicing institute with the perfect combination of art and scientice.
Undergraduate Programme:
Music Performance, the Qiang and Tibetan Song and Dance, Vocal Music (bel canto, national and popular), Instrumental Performance, Musicology, Dance Performance, Dancology.
Specialist Programme:
Music Performance, the Qiang and Tibetan Song and Dance, Vocal Music (bel canto, national and popular), Instrumental Performance, Dance Performance.